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Forum: Reunion Comments



Created on: 10/14/10 12:30 PM Views: 3854 Replies: 4
Yes, it was good!
Posted Thursday, October 14, 2010 07:30 AM

As a member of the planning committee, I can't believe that our 50th Golden Anniversary Reunion has come and gone! The 12 months of planning and many hours of concern have passed and we of the committee have been well paid through all of the glowing comments from our fellow classmates and guests as well as the personal enjoyment of a wonderful weekend! I am so proud that we broke all past records for attendance by classmates and for the total attendance. Thank you so much for your comments regarding the reunion! I truly believe that we all have matured to the point that we are more relaxed and appreciate our past memories more than we ever have. The success of this reunion was possible due to the dedicated effort of all the committee and it's success can be shared by all of the group. My wife and I personally had a ball and we hope that you did as well!

The Friday night "meet and greet" was very relaxed and fun. It gave us a chance to get re-aquainted and set the tone for the entire weekend. The Saturday breakfast and memorial service was awesome! I still get cold chills relating it to others that weren't there. Saturday night was special in that we were able to be together, have good food and enjoy some "old fashioned fun" together. It was so good to have over 140 of our classmates together for all or most of three major events.

You can do yourself and the committee a great service by letting any classmates who did not attend the reunion know what a great time they missed. Unfortunately, we still have many classmates who rarely or have never attended our reunions. As one who has never missed a reunion, I cannot believe that they have no interest. Please let them know what they missed. I think we were truly blessed to have such a close group in the class of 1960. Many classes do not have the success that we have enjoyed or they simply do not have reunions at all. Please let us know what you liked or even what you did not like. These reunions are for you and we want any future reunions to reflect your ideas, wishes and suggestions. Please use this web site to communicate over the coming days and to stay in touch with your friends and classmates.

Thanks again for your friendship and for your love of life as a member of the AHS Class of 1960. Go Greenwave!!!

Jimmy Mauney

RE: Yes, it was good!
Posted Thursday, October 14, 2010 01:00 PM

As they say on sports message boards,


Well said, Jim.  I echo your words.


RE: Yes, it was good!
Posted Saturday, October 16, 2010 08:59 AM

Many thanks to the committee for the hardwork that they did and the results were a great and fantastic  class reunion.  It was great to see all my friends once again.  It seemed that we

were once again back at school.  I will always cherish this time spent with all of you.

A note to John Parker--this web site is outstanding.  I visit it often to see whats up with everyone.  John,  keep up the good work.

Cary Grant

RE: Yes, it was good!/Reply JM
Posted Saturday, October 16, 2010 04:20 PM

Hey Larry! Thanks for the compliment. It was a lot of work, but being there and seeing our classmates enjoying our efforts made it a joy! There is nothing like being with long time friends and reminiscing over days gone by, but long remembered!

Johnny is in Texas visiting his Grands. He will be gone for three weeks but will get the web site fired up again with pictures taken at the reunion. Weplan to keep the site open, possibly up to the next reunion.

It was good seeing you. Please do use our web site and we encourage ithers to do the same!

Jim Mauney

Sorry I couldn't make it!
Posted Tuesday, October 19, 2010 06:05 AM

I was not able to attend, but really missed seeing everyone and have so enjoyed this web page and catching up with several classmates this last year. We had a wonderful wedding (son Tucker and  Roxanne)  Saturday with a lot of things going on in the last few weeks, so that had to come first of course. Can't wait to see the reunion pictures. I am determined to make the next reunion and have instructed our oldest son that he is to elope if he decides to get married about that time! Thanks to the committee for the hard work. Scotty



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