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Phyllis Nivens Lineberger

Profile Updated: July 28, 2010
Phyllis Nivens
Address: Gastonia, NC
Spouse/Partner: Johnny A. Lineberger
Occupation: Retired - Gaston County Sshools
Children/Grandchildren: two daughters; grandchildren: 4 boys, 2 girls
Phyllis Nivens


Memories Before High School (neighborhood, elementary & jr high, etc.):

Standing outside Wray Jr.High each morning talking with friends until the bell rang; being in Miss Hardy's 7th grade class and getting to work on different crafts when we finished our work; playing basketball in the gym; walking over to Ashley High School at the end of 9th grade for orientation

Special School Memories:

Walking home from school with friends until I got my driver's license; pep rallies before ballgames; playing in the band during football games and performing during halftime; traveling to Greensboro for band competition; playing a clarinet solo at state competition; chemistry lab

Since School...:

Graduated from St. Andrews Presbyterian College, May 1964; began teaching 4th grade in Sept. and married Johnny Lineberger on Dec.19, 1964; first daughter, Scottie Ann, born June 28, 1967; second daughter born April 11, 1971; now have six wonderful grandchildren ranging in ages from 18 to 11; retired from Sherwood Elementary School after 32 rewarding years of teaching

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