Craig Hughes

Craig Hughes
Address: Libby, MT
Since School...:

(Submitted by Craig in response to our 1995 (35th reunion) questionnaire)

Spiritual studies since 1968, ordained minister in 1974. Although I have not lived in, nor visited the Gastonia area since 1964; that does not mean that I no longer have a strong feeling for the things and peole of my youth. My life took a different direction when I left the South and moved West. I did my Air Force time in Texas, then it was to Colorado for a year, the Bedn, Oregon for another 10 years, then I moved to my dream community (Libby, MT) in 1988 and hope to live out the rest of my entire life here in Libby. I cannot possibly tell you in in words, how happy my "soul" is living in this remarkable place. There are only about 20,000 people that live in our county that is larger than some New England States. And over 75% of our county land-mass is in Federally protected wilderness, It is just us and the natural "critters" - and thank Heavens for that! Please keep on having the reunions; because, someday, I hope to visit with my stories and experiences.

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