robbie was a very devoted christian. she died of ovarian cancer and she never let it get her down.her faith in god kept her going. she never complained. we were friends all of our lives and we grew up in the firestone mill area. we came to several of the reunions together and the last one that she came to she was only able to come to the picnic. she was a good friend and i still miss her. sue reel moton
Sue Reel (Moton)
robbie was a very devoted christian. she died of ovarian cancer and she never let it get her down.her faith in god kept her going. she never complained. we were friends all of our lives and we grew up in the firestone mill area. we came to several of the reunions together and the last one that she came to she was only able to come to the picnic. she was a good friend and i still miss her. sue reel moton
Scotty Wise (Price)
Robbie was one of the nicest girls I knew in Jr High and high school. Her sweet smile is what I remember most about her.