Joy Lee Sams Childers

Profile Updated: July 29, 2010
Joy Lee Sams
Address: Gastonia, NC USA
Occupation: Retired
Children/Grandchildren: Sons: Jeff born in 1959, Bo born in 1970, Tony born in 1960 (deceased 1997)
Girls: Sandy born in More…1968, Lara born in 1972
Grandsons: Ben born in 1991, Zach born in 1993
Grand girls: Heather born in 1983, Jessica born in 1995
Greatgranddaughter: Heidi 2008
Memories Before High School (neighborhood, elementary & jr high, etc.):

The neighborhood where I grew up has changed so much that it looks like a new place. I still live in the same house where I grew up, but it too has changed. I remodeled the house and added new heating and air conditioning. Have city water and sewer now instead of well water as we had all through my school years. I went to Victory School from elementary to junior high and graduated.

Special School Memories:

My favorite memory of Ashley was riding the school bus and talking with my friends.

Since School...:

I went to Ashley High School one year before I married Neil Hiffstetler and had my two oldest boys. We divorced and three years later I married Leon Childers. We were married a few years and I've been on my own since. I raised all five of my children by myself, and I'm proud of all of them. I retired in 1999 and received my GED the same year. I lack three semesters to earn my Associate's Degree.
I have a few health issues, but I still can get out and go.

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Jan 08, 2015 at 12:32 PM

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