Larry Murray

Profile Updated: January 19, 2010
Larry Murray
Address: Spartanburg, SC USA
Occupation: Owner used car sales
Children/Grandchildren: None, but I have neighbor children (some are not children anymore) that are from the Ukraine, and I More…have become very close to them. Dimitriy- age 22, Alex- age 17, Vitaliy and Vera (twins)- age 20, Yaroslav- age 20 (now serving in Iraq in the army) Plus several more. See them every day. The Ukrainian culture is different from ours. The parents do not usually spend a lot of time with individual children as they do things as a family. They are dedicated Christians and Church is very important to them. I have been blessed to spend time with them on an individual basis. We have gone to the beach, mountains, tubed down the Green River, snow skiing and boarding, played soccer, played golf, gone bowling, gone to car shows, out to eat all the time, school concerts and functions and many more activities. I have enjoyed them very much and only wish their parents could be in my place at times. I have known them for 10 years and it has been interesting watching them grow up, teaching them to drive, taking them to get their dirver's licenses, taking them to church with me, etc. One event that is important to them is weddings (I have been to several). They make it an all day affair with a long wedding ceremony 1 to 2 hours and then a banquet with a lot of food where they sing (different groups of their friends), play games, give gifts, give speeches and more. Usually the wedding party is over around midnight. A lot of the activities are done in Russian so I miss some of the jokes and talks. I have learned a little Russian but would like to learn more. They speak Ukrainian and Russia. Most all of them speak Russian but not all speak Ukrainian, however the languages are very similiar. When they first arrived, Ruslan was about the only one who spoke any English, so I helped with the translation when needed. I have been present at functions where I was the only American. I guess I am closest to Yaroslav and he picked up English very quickly. He took English in school but did not do very well, but soon after coming to the US, he said he could teach the language. Of course they have an eastern European accent. We have a large community of Ukrainians in Spartanburg. They are great people.
Military Service: North Carolina Air National Guard  
Larry Murray


Yes! Attending Reunion
Memories Before High School (neighborhood, elementary & jr high, etc.):

5th Street Wildcats with Sonny Rawlings and Boyce Weir (what ever happened to him?) If anybody knows, I would like to know. Halloween was always an exciting holiday as we would go trick or treating all night, shoot fireworks and walk all over our side of town. And New Year's Eve, we would gather all the old Christmas trees from the neighborhood and have a bonfire, shoot fireworks, roast marshmellows and just have a good ole time, till one year the cops came and arrested two of the older boys for illegal fireworks. This was in the Sleganhoffs (Spelling????) back yard. Sonny tried to teach me to drive an A-model when we were 14, and I almost ran it into a ditch.

Special School Memories:

Loved to go to the football games and basketball games at Wray Junior high. Why didn't we have a Gym? Oh well, at least we didn't have to take PE. Everyday before lunch in algebra class I remember hearing the juke box (our class window was close to the student center) playing "Just Beyond the River" by Elvis. Someone said the assistant principal always played this(???) I can tell everybody I walked to school every day (Have you ever heard that?) but I don't say I lived two blocks from the school.

Since School...:

Started working at Major League Lanes as a manager trainee and moved to Spartanburg one year later as manager of Pinewood Lanes there. I did that for 18 years. While working there, I started Larry's Trophies and worked there till I sold the business to my partner, Terry. While doing trophies, I started Larry's Chevys and am still doing that. Some of you may wonder why "Larry" when I was always Lawrence. Well, this is what happened. While bowling in a league at Major League, I bowled against Harry Suddeth. He was writing the names on the telescore sheet (the plastic score sheet that was reflected on the overhead screen). He could not spell Lawrence, so I told him to just put Larry on the sheet. So that was the name in lights, and well, you know the rest. So call me Larry.

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Larry Murray has a birthday today. New comment added.
Jul 23, 2024 at 10:45 AM

Posted on: Jul 23, 2024 at 4:33 AM

Jul 23, 2023 at 12:01 PM

Hello Larry! Best wishes and a Special Happy Birthday!

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Jul 23, 2022 at 1:28 PM

Happy Birthday Larry! I hope you’ve had a great day! I also hope you’re planning to attend our Class of 60 Reunion October 6, 7, 2022!

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Jul 24, 2021 at 9:46 PM

Hey Larry! I'm sorry I missed your Birthday wish; however, I hope you had a great "Special Day"! I hope to se you at our Class of 60 Reunion on September 30 & October 1!

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Jul 23, 2020 at 1:32 PM

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you have a great day!

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Jul 23, 2019 at 3:26 PM

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you’ve had a great day. Our 60th year reunion is in the planning stage. The dates are May 29 & 30th.

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Jul 24, 2017 at 8:44 AM

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you have a great day!

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Jul 23, 2016 at 8:54 AM

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you have a great day!

Larry Murray has a birthday today.
Jul 23, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Jul 23, 2015 at 7:35 AM

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you have a great day! Looking forward to seeing you at our 55th Class of 60 reunion on October 2,3!

Larry Murray has a birthday today. New comment added.
Jul 25, 2015 at 2:06 PM

Posted on: Jul 23, 2015 at 4:34 AM

Jul 23, 2014 at 8:07 AM

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you have a good day!

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