Frank L Ashley High School
Class Of 1960
David Stewart
David's Latest Interactions
Hope you have a great day today!!
Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY Claude! I hope you are feeling better today. Our age is giving us troubles, no way around it. We have our memories of days when we were younger and could do a lot more, we miss those times in our live but life is what it is. Hope you get well and can come to our reunion.
Happy Birthday "OLD" Buddy! I hope you're having a great Special day! I'm glad you and Griff finally got as old as me!
Hope you have a Happy Birthday! And that you are well!
Happy Birthday Blinky! I’m glad you finally caught up with the rest of us in old age! Hope you have a good day!
Dave! Hope you have a happy birthday on the 11th. Anything special planned? Just enjoy!
Hope all is well with you and yours! 81 years, long time. Stay safe, happy,
and in good health will call you later. Give Cindy our best.
Happy Birthday David! You have not changed!
Great to have seen you at the reunion! Happy Birthday!