In Memory

Tish Young (Lyles)

Tish Young (Lyles)

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03/04/24 11:40 AM #3    

Dan Rockett



We leave the world of Civilization better than we found it; to have made a Difference... is good as it can be.

Accept the good, change what we can, be knowledgeable enough to recognize the things we can't change.

paraphrasing St Francis of Assisi

Music and Nature are our "Comforter."

Andre Rieu 





03/04/24 12:55 PM #4    

Mary Loughridge (Sessoms)

According to Tish's obituary, she did lead a fruitful life and was a strong Christian! It's wonderful reading an obituary like this because you now know they are in heaven! Thought you would want to read this, too!

03/04/24 09:46 PM #5    

Nancy McCluney (Brunnemer)

Tish was a beautiful young woman. Sad to hear she has passed on. Peace and comfort to all of her family.

03/05/24 10:35 AM #6    

Jim Mauney

Tish Young was an outer beauty, but more importantly she was an inner beauty as well! I had the pleasure of knowing her from Victory School as well as at Ashley.High. She was a neighbor of mine and I would ride my bike to her house hoping she would like me, but alas, she was just nice to me! Tish, I loved you, but couldn't get up the nerve to tell you, so I hope you get this message and just smile at me as you used to do!

03/05/24 10:14 PM #7    

Mack Spurrier

Like many of my classmates I remember Tish from Victory School. She had a beautiful voice and occasionally woul entertain the class singing solo of the lastes popular songs. Tish and David often double dated with Judie Eccles and I whil attending Ashley. I also remember her living around the corner on Hillcrest Ave.

Prayers for her family.


03/06/24 12:26 PM #8    

Chip Brunnemer

Hey Moonman, Tish knew you loved her.  She loved you too, but it was way too soon for her to make that kind of commitment.  I had my own thoughts about Tish, but since I had to date girls two years younger than me to be sorta even with them in maturity, she was way out of my league. Dating girls 2-3 years younger had it's advantages though. For example, I always had plenty of girl scout cookies.  It is good to know your limitations.... speaking solely for myownself.  It's good that I waited anyhow, cause that freed me up to be with Linda Alexander who stole my heart whilst I was lunching in Brown Cafeteria during my sophmore year at dear old Western Carolina College.  Lots of great memories.  Lots of fun.  a little bit of trouble, but not enough to mention.

03/06/24 03:49 PM #9    

Jim Mauney

Chip Brunnemer, "You ain't Right"! But I love you anyway!

Jim M

03/07/24 08:10 AM #10    

Chip Brunnemer

Moonbeam, we ALL love you. Tish was a special lady, as are every single one of our classmates. Each in their own way. It is especially nice to be your friend as you are older than me and more experienced in the ways of the world.

03/07/24 03:56 PM #11    

Jake Black

Well, I never knew her but definitely was a fan of her beauty.  She seem to have lived a good life and was a very special person.  Most of us are just thankful that we're still here and it's so pleasant to see the comments of my classmates such as Jim and Chip who always adds a little flavor that keeps us smiling.  Blessings to her family and all classmates.

03/07/24 05:01 PM #12    

Jim Mauney

Jake, I can't hold a candle to The Chipper's comedy!  He's the type of fellow I enjoy being associated with!

Not only did we have a good group of friends at Ashley, we still have a great class of friends into our 80's!

Losing a friend is bad; however, we should allow their parting be a stimulus to our efforts to tell other classmates our appreciation for them. So, I'm telling you Jake

that I appreciate you and look forward to being together soon, but not later than our next reunion in 2025!



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